I need help on java code to read a log file that can print all lines present ends with START word.
my file contains:
test 1 START
test2 XYZ
test 3 ABC
test 2 START
it should print
test 1 START
test 2 START
I tried below code but it printing START only.
public class Findlog{
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("myfile"));
Pattern patt = Pattern.compile(".*START$");
// For each line of input, try matching in it.
String line;
while ((line = r.readLine()) != null) {
// For each match in the line, extract and print it.
Matcher m = patt.matcher(line);
while (m.find()) {
// Simplest method:
// System.out.println(m.group(0));
// Get the starting position of the text
I think you already found your solution. Anyway a regex that should work is:
which says: take everithing (.*) that is followed by START and START is the end of the line ($)