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WFLYCTL0083: failed to load module org,keycloak.keycloak-server-subsytem

When I am starting my Wildfly server I am getting this error which ultimately shuts my server from running. What am I missing while installing the server ?


  • Adding little more information to what Haseb Ansari has provided already. Basically, here are the steps that needs to be performed to get keycloak setup in wildfly.

    Assumption: Wildfly is extracted to ${user.home}/apps/wildfly, lets call it ${jboss.home} here.

    Following are the steps that needs to be done.

    1. Download OpenID connect adapter from keycloak

    2. Extract

    $> cd ~/Downloads

    $>unzip ./ -d keycloak-wildfly-adapter

    3. copy files to ${jboss.home}

    cd keycloak-wildfly-adapter/bin

    cp ./adapter-* ${jboss.home}

    cp -rf ./modules ${jboss.home}

    4. Execute jboss cli

    cd ${jboss.home}

    $>./bin/ --file=adapter-elytron-install-offline.cli

    You get a message as below [copied from terminal]

    $> wildfly]$./bin/ --file=adapter-elytron-install-offline.cli
        "outcome" => "success",
        "result" => [("keycloak" => "1.1.0")]
    {"outcome" => "success"}
    {"outcome" => "success"}
    {"outcome" => "success"}
    {"outcome" => "success"}
    {"outcome" => "success"}
    {"outcome" => "success"}
    {"outcome" => "success"}
    {"outcome" => "success"}

    You may use ../bin/ --file=adapter-install-offline.cli if your wildfly version is 10.

    5. Run jboss
