My many-to-many relationship requires payload data in the link table (the weight field).
public class Formula
public int ID { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<FormulaComponent> FormulaComponents { get; set; }
public class Component
public int ID { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<FormulaComponent> FormulaComponents { get; set; }
public class FormulaComponent
[Key, Column(Order = 0)]
public int FormulaID { get; set; }
[Key, Column(Order = 1)]
public int ComponentID { get; set; }
public virtual Formula Formula { get; set; }
public virtual Component Component { get; set; }
public double? Weight { get; set; }
I'm struggling with how to use linq to load child data for a parent entity (components for a specific formula). My code was working before payload data was required. When I had no class representing the link table and the child was a property of the parent (ICollection<Component>
) here is how I loaded child data in a disconnected scenario:
_context.Entry(Formula).Collection(f => f.Components).Load();
Since the child collection is no longer a property of the parent I tried this:
_context.Entry(Formula).Collection(f => f.FormulaComponents).Load();
But that only gets the link table data. Since the Components are a property of the link table I suspect I need to add a Select or SelectMany but I can't get the syntax right:
_context.Entry(Formula).Collection(f => f.FormulaComponents.Select(???)).Load();
Any help will be much appreciated.
I'm answering my own question here. I didn't realize that the child Components entities were eager loaded along with FormulaComponents. So this line of code (in the question) actually worked:
_context.Entry(Formula).Collection(f => f.FormulaComponents).Load();
So when I said "But that only gets the link table data" I was actually wrong. It loads exactly what I wanted loaded.