Here I have:
$(document).on 'turbolinks:load', ->
console.log "page has loaded!"
$ ->
$("button#show-hide").click (e) ->
which makes my click
event available only after Turbolinks caches page. I can do $(document).on 'turbolinks:before-visit
which will make event available only before Turbolinks caches. How should I make event available at all times?
I think the problem here is that you are binding to two events: turbolinks:load
and $(document).ready()
Turbolinks does not discard event listeners on the document
so you can safely bind click handlers to it and they will be called scross page loads. From the Turbolinks documentation:
When possible, avoid using the turbolinks:load event to add event listeners directly to elements on the page body. Instead, consider using event delegation to register event listeners once on document or window.
With this in mind, you can do:
$(document).on 'click', "button#show-hide", (e) ->