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Passing specific values to custom tags

I'd like to pass specific values to various custom tags, like thus:

<cfif someerror>
  <cfset mytag.bordercolor = "red">

<cf_input id="mytag">

Is this possible in some way?


  • I'm not sure I follow your question, so I'll toss out some possibly relevant information.

    The syntax that you typed will work.

    In the input.cfm file, you would reference The value of which would be "mytag".

    I would suggest using cfparam to set up a default value.

     <cfparam name="" type="string" default="tag">

    for example.

    If you want to pass in the "mytag" structure instead of the string "mytag" then you would use the following sytax:

     <cf_input id="#mytag#">

    That would allow you to get the color using Attributes.mytag.bordercolor.

    In which case, your cfparam would be more like:

     <cfparam name="" default="#StructNew()#">

    If you are wanting to pass in the string, but still get the color from the variables scope of the page then it would be something like this:

     <cfif StructKeyExists(Caller, AND StructKeyExists(Caller[],"bordercolor")>
       <cfset Variables.bordercolor = Caller[].bordercolor>

    This is because the variables scope of the calling page is available within the custom tag as "Caller" scope. I would advise being careful in using this, however, as you are breaking encapsulation. If you are reaching out to variable names that are specifically passed in that is probably OK, but it wouldn't generally be a good idea to get non-specified variables from Caller scope.