I have been using a linear auto-fade expression to auto-fade the end of my background music by just adding the expression below:
fadeTime = 9;
audio.audioLevelsMin = -50;
audio.audioLevelsMax = 0;
layerDuration = outPoint - inPoint;
singleFrame = thisComp.frameDuration;
animateOut = linear(time, (outPoint - fadeTime+1), (outPoint-singleFrame), audio.audioLevelsMax, audio.audioLevelsMin);
However, this is just a linear fade. I'd like to create an exponential fade. Is this even possible in expressions?
Exponential is probably not completely the right word - so for lack of knowing the right word, I'm posting an image below to show what I mean:
The fade you want looks like y=0 - (x^3) between the values of x=-1 and x=1.
So we map the fade to that range by creating a normalised variable t which goes from -1 to 1, and then cube it, and then map that back to the range 1-0
fadeTime = 9;
levelsMin = -50;
levelsMax = 0;
//not sure why you want to add an extra second to the fade time, but I included the + 1
fadeStart = outPoint - fadeTime+1;
t = linear(time, fadeStart, outPoint, 1, -1); //t goes from 1 to -1 over the fade
fade = 0.5 + Math.pow(t, 3)/2; // goes from 1 to 0, but with the curve you want
// map 1 → 0 ⇒ levelsMax → levelsMin
finalLevel = levelsMin + fade * (levelsMax - audio.audioLevelsMin);
[finalLevel, finalLevel]