I am working on building an android app that takes a picture and uploads that to Amazon S3. My code seems to be running fine, in that it is actually running (confirmed via debug breakpoints), however it is not uploading. I get no error messages, and log.d messages that I put into the app do not appear in the logcat.
I am using this amazon tutorial: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/mobile-hub/latest/developerguide/add-aws-mobile-user-data-storage.html#add-aws-mobile-user-data-storage-app
The first time I ran the code, I got an error complaining that TransferUtility.builder()
didnt have .s3Client
So I put that in.
Offending code:
private void uploadImage(){
AWSConfiguration awsConfig =
new AWSConfiguration(getActivity().getApplicationContext());
AmazonS3Client s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(IdentityManager.getDefaultIdentityManager()
TransferUtility transferUtility =
TransferObserver uploadObserver =
uploadObserver.setTransferListener(new TransferListener() {
public void onStateChanged(int id, TransferState state) {
if (TransferState.COMPLETED == state) {
//todo something here
Log.d("S3", "done");
public void onProgressChanged(
int id, long bytesCurrent, long bytesTotal) {
Log.d("S3", "ID: "+id+"\r\nBytesCurrent: "+bytesCurrent+"\r\nBytesTotal: "+bytesTotal);
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onError(int id, Exception ex) {
Log.d("S3", ex.toString());
Integer ID = id;
Log.d("S3", ID.toString());
is a File
is the bucket name
is a folder in the bucket
The service tag in my manifest was outside of my application tag.