Let's say we have a simple grammar:
With this expression: -(-(8,3)4)
Returning 1.
My token stream(I splice parens and commas out) looks like this
So the AST would look like so
. . -
. - . 4
My question is, regarding the recursive nature of the grammar. How would a java example work given the difference expression has 2 evaluated expressions.
I've tried passing in expressions to a class constructor like so:
public class DiffExp implements LetLangExp {
LetLangExp left, right;
public DiffExp(LetLangExp l, LetLangExp r) {
left = l;
right = r;
This works for just a difference expression of -(number,number) but recursively it doesn't, because I can't seem to wrap head around the recursive nature of parsing it seems. I'm stuck on this example and i've looked online but i can't seem to equivocate this type of grammar to anything i've seen.
Essentially how do I implement a Difference Expression that is handled recursively that can take a difference expression as an operand and calculate that accordingly?
Edit: Per Markspace's request, i'm attempting to build a node structure for the parse tree. Here is the class I have right now.
class ExprNode{
String c;
static String operator;
static ExprNode operand1;
static ExprNode operand2;
public ExprNode(String num){
c = num;
operand1 = operand2 = null;
public static void Expr(String op, ExprNode e1, ExprNode e2){
operator = op;
operand1 = e1;
operand2 = e2;
Looks good but you'll want to separate tree building and evaluation:
public class DiffExp implements LetLangExp {
LetLangExp left, right;
public DiffExp(LetLangExp l, LetLangExp r) {
left = l;
right = r;
public double eval() {
return left.eval() - right.eval();
p.s. Parsing should be roughly as follows:
LetLangExpr parseProgram(LinkedList<String> tokens) {
return parseExpression(tokens);
LetLangExpr parseExpression(LinkedList<String> tokens) {
if ("-".equals(tokenStream.peekFirst())) {
return parseDiff(tokens);
} else {
return parseNumber(tokens);
LetLangExpr parseDiff(LinkedList<String> tokens) {
tokens.pollFirst(); // Consume "-"
LetLangExpr left = parseExpression(tokens);
LetLangExpr right = parseExpression(tokens);
return new DiffExpr(left, right);
LetLangExpr parseNumber(LinkedList<String> tokens) {
String numberStr = tokens.pollFirs();
double number = Double.parseDouble(numberStr);
return new NumberExpr(number);