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Xcode UI testing collection view cells became non-hittable on iOS 11

We were using this code to simulate a tap on the first cell of a UICollectionView on Xcode UI Testing:

XCUIElementQuery *query = [application descendantsMatchingType:XCUIElementTypeAny];
XCUIElement *collectionView = [query objectForKeyedSubscript:collectionViewAccessibilityIdentifier];
XCUIElement *targetCell = [lensesCollectionView.cells elementBoundByIndex:cellIndex];
if (targetCell.hittable) {
    [targetCell tap];

this works fine on iOS 10, but stopped working on iOS 11. The targetCell is never hittable no matter what. Adding a sleep(10) before XCUIElement *targetCell = [lensesCollectionView.cells elementBoundByIndex:lensIndex] doesn't help.

I've seen hacky solutions mentioned elsewhere such as

func forceTapElement() {   
    if self.isHittable {   
    } else {   
        var coordinate: XCUICoordinate = self.coordinateWithNormalizedOffset(CGVectorMake(0.0, 0.0))   

but that doesn't look very clean. What's the cleanest way of achieving this?

Update: If I try to tap it without checking for hittable I get this error:

error: Error -25204 performing AXAction 2003 on element pid: 43616, elementOrHash.elementID: 4882574576.240


  • It turns out that isAccessibilityElement was NO on our custom collection view cells on iOS 11 (strangely, it was YES on iOS 10). Explicitly setting it to YES fixed the issue.