I've been trying to record a video of an HTML Canvas animation using the CCapture.js project. Specifically, it has a webm capture option which uses whammy.js under the hood. I've tinkered with many of the parameters, but so far I've only had it output a video of the correct length, but without any of the canvas elements - it just looks black.
Here is a jsfiddle illustrating the issue. It creates an animation and records 2 seconds, then saves/downloads the webm output.
Here is the CCapture setup I've got in the jsfiddle:
capturer = new CCapture({
display: true,
framerate: 30,
format: 'webm',
verbose: true,
// start capture
// end capture and save
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
Turns out it was a bug in Whammy.js, an issue with parsing webp. After applying the fix, it is recording correctly again!