I will make it as clear as I can; My first table contains types of jobs;
public class JobTypes: Entity
public string Code { get; set; }
And here is my second entity contains all jobs;
public class FinishedWork: Entity
public string JobTypeCode { get; set; }
public int DepartmentId { get; set; }
public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
and employees and Department:
public class Employee: Entity
public string Name { get; set; }
public class Department: Entity
public string DepartmentName { get; set; }
Query result should answer; "Number of finished work for each job type of each employee" For example, the result should look like:
Employee JobType1 JobType2 ... JobType122 DepartmentName (Yes, there is 122 job type and result should tell how many work done by alice each job)
Alice 2 0 ... 0, AccountManagement
and my query to achieve it;
var mdl = (from m in FinishedWork
join t in JobTypes m.JobTypeCode equals t.Code
join d in Department on m.DepartmentId equals d.ID
join e in Employee on m.EmployeeId equals e.ID
group m by new { e.ID, e.Name, m.JobTypeCode } into grp
select new ResultModel
I couldnt find proper solution here, How can I get counts for each job types into this result model?
I think if you use FinishedWork
entity as start point and use the navigation properties in your model instead your query could be improved:
var query =context.FinishedWork.GroupBy(fw=>new{fw.Employee.Name,fw.Department.DepartmentName})
.Select(g=>g.GroupBy(fw=>fw.JobTypeCode )
.Select(g1=>new {g.Key.Name,
The issue is I don't know how add fields in the anonymous type for each inner groups (that represent job types) without knowing the amount of group since the beginning, to do something like:
var query =context.FinishedWork.GroupBy(fw=>new{fw.Employee.Name,fw.Department.DepartmentName})
.Select(g=>new {g.Key.Name,
And I think you don't want to do that, if I was you I would use the first solution, or another one better that I hopefully expect that exist.