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Customizing Paypal Express's Review Page using ActiveMerchant

I am using ActiveMerchant to give my rails app access to Paypal's Express Checkout. I would like to include the Order Details on the Review Page as described here:

Can this be done?

Currently, my controller code looks like this:

def paypal
  #currently, options is unused, I'm not sure where to send this info
  options = { 
              :L_DESC0=>"Tickets for #{@payment.event_name}",

  #the actual code that gets used
  setup_response = gateway.setup_purchase(@payment.amount,
    :ip=> request.remote_ip,
    :return_url=> url_for(:action=>:confirm, :id=>, :only_path=>false),
    :cancel_return_url => url_for(:action=>:show, :id=>, :only_path=>false)
  redirect_to gateway.redirect_url_for(setup_response.token)

If what I'm trying to do is possible, what do I need to change?


  • @Soleone I try your solution,but don't work for me.

    xml.tag! 'n2:OrderDescription', options[:description]
    xml.tag! 'n2:Name', options[:name]
    xml.tag! 'n2:Description', options[:desc]
    xml.tag! 'n2:Amount', options[:amount]
    xml.tag! 'n2:Quantity', options[:quantity]

    I think the xml structure is not right,the order items is multiple,so should like this

    xml.tag! 'n2:OrderItems' do
        xml.tag! 'n2:OrderItem' do
            xml.tag! 'n2:Name', options[:name]
            xml.tag! 'n2:Description', options[:desc]
            xml.tag! 'n2:Amount', options[:amount]
            xml.tag! 'n2:Quantity', options[:quantity]

    But really I don't know the correct structure,looking for now.


    I found the SOAP api doc,

    xml.tag! 'n2:PaymentDetails' do
        xml.tag! 'n2:PaymentDetailsItem' do
            xml.tag! 'n2:Name', options[:name]
            xml.tag! 'n2:Description', options[:desc]
            xml.tag! 'n2:Amount', options[:amount]
            xml.tag! 'n2:Quantity', options[:quantity]

    But also doesn't work,who can help?


    I tried the method of adding PaymentDetails parameter,but seems still not work,I found the schema of SetExpressCheckoutReq xml, , there is no definition of PaymentDetails,who did this stuff before,hope for your help.


    I have fixed this issue,new version of ActiveMerchant support the order details review,and mwagg pushed the patch about this,you guys can use this version