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Setting a BBEdit insertion point with JXA

I am trying to translate a few Applescript (AS) into Javascript (JXA) for BBedit.

It's been a fun little thing to knock some rust off, but I'm stumped. With AS I can set an insertion point into a BBEdit document thusly;

tell application "BBEdit"
    tell text 1 of window 1
        select insertion point before line 40
    end tell
end tell

I'm totally stumped when it comes to JXA. I've been poking around in the line objects but I can't find a insertsionPoint property.

You can access selection properties like so;

currentLine = bbedit.selection().startline().

But it is read only. So I think you need access to that select method if you want to set a selection or insertion point. I have no clue how, or if you can with JXA.

Anyone know how to set a BBEdit insertion point and/or selection with JXA? Thanks.


  • JXA doesn't implement insertion reference forms (before/after/beginning/end). Relative (previous…/next…) and range (from…to…) specifiers are also borked, and filter (whose…) clauses are horrible too. Lots of non-trivial stuff that works fine in AS breaks in JXA: like Apple's earlier Scripting Bridge API, JXA was half-baked when shipped and immediately abandoned to rot.

    Crap like this is why I recommend sticking to AppleScript. The language may stink, but it's the only [marginally] supported option that actually implements Apple events right. Normally I'd recommend calling into AppleScript from other languages via the AppleScript-ObjC bridge as the least sucky solution, but Apple have managed to break that too in 10.13.

    (If you enjoy living dangerously, NodeAutomation provides non-broken Apple event support for Node.js, but with Apple abandoning AppleScript automation I don't want to waste anyone's time promoting or supporting it, so caveat emptor.)