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Ranges of nested for-loops when locality is improved (C++)

I have the following nested for loop:

int n = 8;
int counter = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
        printf("(%d, %d)\n", i, j);

Which prints (0,1) to (6,7) as expected and the printf() statement is ran 28 times as indicated by counter.

I have been the set the task of improving the efficiency of this code by improving its locality (this is test code, the value of n in the actual program is much larger and i and j are used to index into two 1d arrays) and have employed what I believe to be a fairly standard technique:

int chunk = 4;

for(int i = 0; i < n; i+=chunk)
    for(int j = 0; j < n; j+=chunk)
        for (int i_chunk = 0; i_chunk < chunk; i_chunk++)
            for (int j_chunk = i_chunk + 1; j_chunk < chunk; j_chunk++)
                printf("(%d, %d)\n", i+i_chunk, j+j_chunk);

However, here printf() is only being ran 24 times because the j_chunk = i_chunk + 1 means that where before the j loop printed (0,1) to (0,7), the two iterations of the j_chunk loop where i+i_chunk == 0 print (0,1) to (0,3) and (0,5) to (0,7) missing (0,4).

I understand why it is doing this but I can't for the life of me come up with a solution; any help would be appreciated.


  • First you need to make sure that j is never in a lower chunk than i, so your outer loops should be:

    for(int i = 0; i < n; i+=chunk)
       for(int j = i; j < n; j+=chunk)

    Then you need different behaviour based on whether i and j are in the same chunk or not. If they are, j_chunk needs to allways be larger than i_chunk, otherwise you need to go through all possible combinations:

        for (int i_chunk = 0; i_chunk < chunk; i_chunk++)
            for (int j_chunk = i_chunk + 1; j_chunk < chunk; j_chunk++)
                printf("(%d, %d)\n", i+i_chunk, j+j_chunk);
        for (int i_chunk = 0; i_chunk < chunk; i_chunk++)
            for (int j_chunk = 0; j_chunk < chunk; j_chunk++)
                printf("(%d, %d)\n", i+i_chunk, j+j_chunk);