For a compilers class, we were presented with the following rules for finding the FOLLOW(A):
We were also given the informal definition of the Follow(A): The set of terminals which can immediately follow A in a sentential form.
Why is the third rule true?
I understand how to apply the third rule, but I'm confused about why it must be the case. Could anyone provide a concrete example that requires its use, or an example which would fail the informal definition in absence of the third rule?
Imagine you have a production rule
A → αBβ
and you know that β can derive the empty string. In that case, a character that can legally follow the A nonterminal can also follow the B nonterminal if you used the above production rule and then expanded β to the empty string.
As an example, let’s look at this simple grammar:
S → Ax
C → ε
B → y
Here, we can do this derivation that puts an x after B:
S → Ax → CBCx → CBx