I have use stringstream to parse the configuration file. The c++ integer variables are working fine while assigning the values from the text file.However, when I assign the read value from configuration file to c++ int16_t variables, it just assigns a different value. I donot know what is going on.
This is my code:
void parseConfigurationFile(){
int16_t int16_tValue;
int firstIntegerValue;
//File parsing code
std::ifstream fin(configFileName);
std::string line;
std::istringstream sin;
while (std::getline(fin, line))
if (line.find("firstIntegerValue") != std::string::npos) {
sin >> firstIntegerValue;
else if (line.find("int16_tValue") != std::string::npos) {
My configuration file looks like follows :
firstIntegerValue : 12
int16_tValue : 55555
What might be possibly going wrong here? I could not figure this out.
Your input, 55555, is beyond the range of int16_t
. Since int16_t
is a signed quantity, there is one bit reserved for the sign, so you have less positive range. You are overflowing a signed 16-bit integer.
Your value may be interpreted as a negative number.
You may want to enter a smaller value or use uint16_t