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HttpSession to store URL

I'm wondering if it is bad practice to keep an "URL" attribute in the HttpSession to keep track of the previous page the user visited. I want to know the previous URL so I can conditionally perform different tasks depending on what the previous page was.

An example would be a controller class that changes the color of the web-page depending on how the user is accessing this page. If user pressed the button from "", it should redirect to the current page and make it blue. (if from "", it should make the page pink, etc.). This is done from

Url url = httpSession.getAttribute(url);
if (url.equals(blue)) {
    // make page blue
if (url.equals(pink)) {
    // make page pink

Hopefully this is making sense.



  • Yes, this is a bad practice. This will be hard to maintain. How would you even write a unit test?

    The tags in this question imply that you are using an MVC framework, but your solution looks like a misunderstanding of the MVC pattern.

    Urls belong to 'controller', page styling is 'view' and user's history is 'model'. If you need to store some information in HttpSession, make it protocol-independent. I would consider storing some kind of enum. Alternatively, the button can just pass the color as a request parameter.

    Also, there are users, who will open your page in two tabs.

    Try to implement your application in such a way that when you decide to reorganize the page structure, you don't have to reorganize the HttpSession as well.