I am using a Kinect V2 to make volumetric recordings. I am using the Kinect sdk version 2 (in C#). I would like to save a file that contains several pointcloud "frames". I am going to import the file in Unity and play the frames as a "Pointcloud animation". I have done this in the past inside Unity (https://vimeo.com/140683403), but this time I am using VisualStudio in order to access all methods in the SDK.
The file should contain:
Eventually it should be possible to add:
In my first try I programmed a very simple UserFrame class that contained a List of vertices. I then serialized a List of UserFrames, which I could succesfully import in Unity. However, deserializing it in Unity takes ages (around a minute for a couple of seconds of recording) so I wonder if there is a better approach.
This is an edited version of the class:
public class UserFrame
//Frame time-stamp. Could be long int in milliseconds
//public float time;
// Each element in the vertexList contains an array of 3 floats.
public List<float[]> vertexList;
public UserFrame(List<float[]> _vertexList) {
vertexList = _vertexList;
The code for serialization:
Stream stream;
stream = File.Open(finalPath, FileMode.Create);
BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
bf.Serialize(stream, userFrameList);
and deserialization (this is the slow part):
Stream stream = File.Open (fileName, FileMode.Open);
BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter ();
dummyFrames = (List <UserFrame>)bf.Deserialize (stream);
stream.Close ();
I tried several two ways of saving the data.
First Approach A 2-dimensional array of floats with size 3xN, where N is the number of vertices. A 2-dimensional array of bytes of size 4xN, where each of the four components referred to the R,G,B and A components of the color. This was very slow.
Second Approach I decided to give Protbuf-net a try. However, protbuf does not work with 2-dimensional arrays so I had to convert my data to one dimensional arrays:
public float[] vertexX;
public float[] vertexY;
public float[] vertexZ;
public float [] r;
public float [] g;
public float [] b;
public float [] a;
It turned out that changing to this data-structure dramatically improved the speed of deserialization, even with the BinaryFormatter approach. So I ended using that.