I can create a QHostAddress
objects like this:
QHostAddress addr_ip4("");
QHostAddress addr_ip6("::1/128");
And test their properties like this:
qDebug() << "addr_ip4.isNull() = " << addr_ip4.isNull();
qDebug() << "addr_ip4.isLoopback() = " << addr_ip4.isLoopback();
qDebug() << "addr_ip4.isMulticast() = " << addr_ip4.isMulticast();
qDebug() << "addr_ip6.isNull() = " << addr_ip6.isNull();
qDebug() << "addr_ip6.isLoopback() = " << addr_ip6.isLoopback();
qDebug() << "addr_ip6.isMulticast() = " << addr_ip6.isMulticast();
But... how can I tell which of the addresses are in fact IPv4 and which are IPv6?
Calling QHostAddress::protocol() will return a QAbstractSocket::NetworkLayerProtocol enum that specifies if the address is IPv4, IPv6, both, or other.