I am working on a code generation project that I would like to dynamically create structs with functionality. I have found you can define functions for a struct, but I want to dynamically generate the name, return value, and any statements inside of the function. I figured a string would allow me to do this but I can't figure out how to convert a string to a function. Is this possible, if not, is it possible to dynamically generate a CFC?
<cfset j = structnew()>
<cfset j.test = evaluate('function(){ return "test"; }')>
<cfdump var="#j#">
You can dynamically create a .cfc the same way you can dynamically create a .cfm.
Step 1 - create the file content as a string variable.
Step 2 - use cffile to write the file.
Step 3 - bring the file into your page. With .cfm files this would be a <cfinclude>
tag. With .cfc files, maybe a createObject (function)
Step 4 - use the code in the file.
Step 5 - delete the file.