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CSS variables with arithmetic operations don’t work in shorthand properties?

Please help me to find out why an arithmetic operation in CSS variable breaks the code.

I began with a simple CSS file with one rule:

html {
  font: 16px/32px Arial;

In browsers, it works as written: the font size is 16px, the line height is 32px, and the font itself is Arial.

Then I added the variables:

html {
  --default-font-size: 16px;
  --default-line-height: var(--default-font-size);
  font: var(--default-font-size)/var(--default-line-height) Arial;

It works, too; thought the line height is 16px, because I made it equal to the font size.

But when I multiplicated the second value, the font declaration stopped working:

html {
  --default-font-size: 16px;
  --default-line-height: var(--default-font-size) * 2;
  font: var(--default-font-size)/var(--default-line-height) Arial;  /* not working! */

All the properties font-size, line-height, and font-family are set to browser defaults.

If I split font shorthand property into three different longhand properties, the code works OK again:

html {
  --default-font-size: 16px;
  --default-line-height: var(--default-font-size) * 2;
  font-size: var(--default-font-size);
  line-height: var(--default-line-height);
  font-family: Arial;

What is wrong with the previous code sample and is there a way to make it work without splitting into longhand properties?


  • You need to use calc like this :

    html {
      --default-font-size: 16px;
      --default-line-height: calc(var(--default-font-size) * 2);
      font: var(--default-font-size)/var(--default-line-height) Arial;

    The --default-line-height is replaced in the font property before getting evalutated so you have something like this (not valid) :

    font: var(--default-font-size)/var(--default-font-size) * 2 Arial;

    By the use of calc you evalute the expression and you have a valid syntax. Even your third example will not work. The CSS doesn't recognize the multiplication sign as it should be used inside a calc

    p {
      --default-font-size: 16px;
      --default-line-height: calc(var(--default-font-size) * 4);
      font: var(--default-font-size)/var(--default-line-height) Arial;
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