I have the below block of code which uses OpenCSV to read a CSV file and store the 7th column. The problem I face is that I use ;
as delimiter in the CSV file but it takes ,
as delimiter as well. How can I avoid this?
Putting "" in CSV is not possible, since we get a non-editable file from client.
CSVReader reader = null;
String[] nextCsvLine = new String[50];
String splitBy = ";";
int count = 0;
try {
StringReader sr = new StringReader(new String(in, offset, len));
reader = new CSVReader(sr);
while ((nextCsvLine = reader.readNext()) != null) {
for (String linewithsemicolon : nextCsvLine) {
log.debug("Line read : "+linewithsemicolon);
String[] b = linewithsemicolon.split(splitBy);
if (count==0){
else {
log.debug("7th position: "+b[7]);
Use the overloaded version with separator of OpenCSV
CSVReader(reader, ';')
Update (thanks to @Matt) - better use:
.withCSVParser(new CSVParserBuilder()
I think the count
ing was done a bit wrong:
try (CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(sr, ';')) {
String[] nextCsvLine;
while ((nextCsvLine = reader.readNext()) != null) {
int count = 0;
for (String field: nextCsvLine) {
log.debug("Line read : "+linewithsemicolon);
if (count == 6) { // 7th column
log.debug("7th position: " + field);
Instead the for-loop you could have done:
if (nextCsvLine.length > 6) {
Where the seventh field should have index 6.