I have a couple of widgets in the sidebar. I do not want that some of these widgets show on some of my pages.
I do not know how to write it more simple than this? I have many exclusions, so writing it like this would be a book-work full of lines. I just want to write as simple as "on this page include only this or these widgets" (instead of "on this page exclude this and these widgets").
<%if( !(page.layout=="alpha" && (name=="w1" || name=="w2" || name=="links" || name=="w3") ) &&
!(page.layout=="beta" && (name=="w400" || name=="w500" || name=="w600") ) ){
So question is how to make it simple that page "alpha" shows only widget895 for example?
I've assumed that you've got some sort of loop over the widgets and that name
corresponds to the current widget name within that loop.
var pageWidgets = {
alpha: ['widget895'],
beta: ['widget900', 'widget123']
var allowedWidgets = pageWidgets[page.layout];
// Loop over the widgets and grab the name, I assume
// you're already doing something similar.
widgets.forEach(function(widget) {
var name = widget.name;
// This is the equivalent of the 'if' in your
// original code. Note that I've allowed all
// widgets by default.
if (!allowedWidgets || allowedWidgets.includes(name)) {
...widget rendering here...