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Importing data from multiple .csv files into single DataFrame

I'm having trouble getting data from several .csv files into a single array. I can get all of the data from the .csv files fine, I just can't get everything into a simple numpy array. The name of each .csv file is important to me so in the end I'd like to have a Pandas DataFrame with the columns labeled by the initial name of the .csv file.

import glob
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

files = glob.glob("*.csv")

temp_dict = {}
wind_dict = {}

for file in files:
    data = pd.read_csv(file)
    temp_dict[file[:-4]] = data['HLY-TEMP-NORMAL'].values
    wind_dict[file[:-4]] = data['HLY-WIND-AVGSPD'].values

temp = []
wind = []
name = []

for word in temp_dict:
for word in wind_dict:

temp = np.array(temp)    
wind = np.array(wind)

When I print temp or wind I get something like this:

[array([ 32.1,  31.1,  30.3, ...,  34.9,  33.9,  32.9])
 array([ 17.3,  17.2,  17.2, ...,  17.5,  17.5,  17.2])
 array([ 41.8,  41.1,  40.6, ...,  44.3,  43.4,  42.6])
 array([ 32.5,  32.2,  31.9, ...,  34.8,  34.1,  33.7])]

when what I really want is:

[[ 32.1,  31.1,  30.3, ...,  34.9,  33.9,  32.9]
 [ 17.3,  17.2,  17.2, ...,  17.5,  17.5,  17.2]
 [ 41.8,  41.1,  40.6, ...,  44.3,  43.4,  42.6]
 [ 32.5,  32.2,  31.9, ...,  34.8,  34.1,  33.7]]

This does not work but is the goal of my code:

df = pd.DataFrame(temp, columns=name)

And when I try to use a DataFrame from Pandas each row is its own array which isn't helpful because it thinks every row has only element in it. I know the problem is with "array(...)" I just don't know how to get rid of it. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.


  • I think you can use:

    files = glob.glob("*.csv")
    #read each file to list of DataFrames
    dfs = [pd.read_csv(fp) for fp in files]
    #create names for each file
    lst4 = [x[:-4] for x in files]
    #create one big df with MultiIndex by files names
    df = pd.concat(dfs, keys=lst4)

    If want separately DataFrames change last row above solution with reshape:

    df = pd.concat(dfs, keys=lst4).unstack()
    df_temp = df['HLY-TEMP-NORMAL']
    df_wind = df['HLY-WIND-AVGSPD']