I can't access the properties of my Firestore document during string Interpolation. The regular JSON output works fine though. Here's the code:
<h3>{{ teacher | async | json }}</h3>
<h3>{{ teacher.name | async | json }}</h3>
<h3>{{ teacher.name | async }}</h3>
Typescript code
interface Teacher {
name: string;
teacherDoc: AngularFirestoreDocument<Teacher>;
teacher: Observable<Teacher>;
var placeToSearch = 'Teachers/'+this.selectedTeacher;
this.teacherDoc = this.afs.doc(placeToSearch);
this.teacher = this.teacherDoc.valueChanges();
You're just slightly off with the async pipe. The object needs to be unwrapped first, then you call it's properties. It should look like:
{{ (teacher | async)?.name }}
Or better yet, set a template variable to avoid using the async pipe over and over:
<div *ngIf="teacher | async as t">
{{ t.name }}
{{ t.field }}
{{ t.whatever }}