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Hashmaps sell plane tickets java

I'm doing a project for university of an app that sells flight tickets. in the part of offering the plane seats available,I'm making them with hashmaps, putting the passenger name, and the row & seat as the key. I don´t know how to use the scanner to ask the client to write down the row and seat he wants, and to mark the seat as occupied. Shall I create a class called seat? if you have some idea I would be very thankful.

public AsientosConNombre(Integer row, String seat) {
        super(row, seat);

public static void main(String[] args) {

    String nombrePasajero = Scanner.getString("Enter your name: ");
    Seat1 asientopasajero= new Seat1(AsientosConNombre);

    //creo el hashmap
    HashMap<Seat1, String> Asientos = new HashMap<Seat1, String>();
    //llenamos el hashmap con la informacion ingresada por el pasajero.

    Asientos.put(asientopasajero, nombrePasajero );

    //esto deberia devolver la app clientes cuando el usuario indica su nombre para saber su vuelo.
    // (ademas del horario y fecha del vuelo)
    System.out.println("Your information: "+ Asientos);

and the other class I made is:

public class Seat1  {
    Integer row = Scanner.getInt("Enter your row: ");
    String seat = Scanner.getString("Enter your seat: ");
    public Seat1(Integer row, String seat) {
        this.row = row; = seat;
    public boolean full(boolean occupied){
        return occupied;


  • Currently what this code is doing is that it is using your seat object as a key and is storing the name as a value. You should be storing the seat such as it's row and seat number as the key and as a value you could set the flag which would tell if that seat is occupied. So whenever you would create a seat you would put true in the hashmap with that key(seat number, row, name) and whenever a new client requests the same key you can see if the seat is occupied or not.