I am able to delete a channel from the back office UI and run the DeleteDomainReferences job in SMC to clear the reference and be able to create a new channel again with the same id.
However, once an order has been created, the above mentioned process won't work.
I heard that we can run some stored procedures against the database for situation like this.
Question: what are the stored procedures and steps to take to be able to clean any reference in Intershop so that I can create a channel with the same id again?
Update 9/26:
I did configure a new job in SMC to call DeleteDomainReferencesTransaction pipeline with ToBeRemovedDomainID attribute set to the domain id that I am trying to clean up.
The job ran without error in the log file. The job finished almost instantly, though.
Then I ran the DeleteDomainReferences job in SMC. This is the job I normally run after deleting a channel when there is no order in that channel. This job failed the following exception in the log file.
ORA-02292: integrity constraint (INTERSHOP.BASKETADDRESS_CO001) violated - child record found ORA-06512: at "INTERSHOP.SP_DELETELINEITEMCTNRBYDOMAIN", line 226 ORA-06512: at line 1
Then I checked BASKETADDRESS table and did see the records for that domain id. This is, I guess, the reason why DeleteDomainReferences job failed.
I also execute the SP_BASKET_OBSERVER with that domain id, but it didn't seem to make a difference.
Is there something I am missing?
With the assistance from intershop support, it has been determined that, in IS, the sp_deleteLineItemCtnrByDomain.sql has issue.
line 117 and 118 from
delete from staticaddress_av where ownerid in (select uuid from staticaddress where lineitemctnrid = i.uuid);
delete from staticaddress where lineitemctnrid = i.uuid;
should be replaced by
delete from basketaddress_av where ownerid in (select uuid from basketaddress where basketid = i.uuid);
delete from basketaddress where basketid = i.uuid;
After making the stored procedure update, running DeleteDomainReference job finishes without error and I was able to re-create the same channel again.
The fix will become available in 7.8.2 hotfix as I was told.