I have to prove:
i < Datatypes.length (l0 ++ f :: nil) -> H
I have a separate hypothesis for i < Datatypes.length l0
and i = Datatypes.length l0
Require Import Arith.
SearchAbout lt le.
gives me (among other things):
le_lt_or_eq: forall n m : nat, n <= m -> n < m \/ n = m
Now. You have i < S k
which is equivalent to S i <= S k
and you want i <= k
. So you need to peel-off S
on each side.
SearchAbout le S.
gives me (among other things):
le_S_n: forall n m : nat, S n <= S m -> n <= m
By combining the two, you should be able to prove your goal:
Goal forall i k, i < S k -> i < k \/ i = k.
intros i k iltSk.
apply le_lt_or_eq.
apply le_S_n.