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Grails portlets on liferay

I'm a Grails developer and I started development on Liferay 2 months ago. I believe that if I can use Grails on Liferay I will increase my productivity by 2. So here is my questions : - What plugins to use to develop Liferay portlets ? I used some grails plugins but I got an error when generating portlet.xml. - How can I configure the Grails dispatcher to work with Liferay. For example : to dispatch urls like this /web/guest/test?myportletId_WAR_aname_action=/user/show/1&myportletId_WAR_aname_windowstate=exclusive... to usercontroller and invoke show action ? - How to get actionRequest, ActionResponse when invoking the action ?



  • As long as you consider the portlet as a particular view into your app it should definitely be possible. You could do it using a simple spec Java portlet that pulls information out of your main project, or look at the current Spring MVC Portlet and Groovy Portlet to see if those could be shortcuts for your implementation. I have worked with both (albeit not in the context of a Grails project) and can happily report that they work well with stock Liferay.