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Using declaration contains unexpanded parameter pack

How do I get this code to compile?

struct type1 {};
struct type2 {};

struct handler1
    void handle(type1){}

struct handler2
    void handle(type2){}

template <typename... Handlers>
struct TheHandler : Handlers...
    using Handlers::handle...; // DOESN'T COMPILE

TheHandler<handler1, handler2> handler;


  • using with parameter packs was added in C++17, so your code would just work in C++17.

    As a workaround for C++14, you can use recursion. The proposal for using... shows how to do this:

    template <typename Handler0, typename... Handlers>
    struct TheHandler : Handler0, TheHandler<Handlers...>
        using Handler0::handle;
        using TheHandler<Handlers...>::handle;
    template <typename Handler>
    struct TheHandler<Handler> : Handler
        using Handler::handle;

    On Godbolt

    It is possible to achieve logarithmic recursion depth, if you wish to do so.