I have two observables Observable.of(0, animationFrame)
& Observable.fromEvent(window, 'scroll')
. I want to combine them so that my renderScrollBar(event)
is only called on the ticks of animationFrame.
Observable.fromEvent(window, 'scroll')
.map((event: any) => event.currentTarget)
.subscribe((event) => {
let x = 0;
Observable.of(0, animationFrame)
.subscribe(() => console.log(x++));
If you want to throttle scroll event to requestAnimationFrame you can use throttleTime(0, animationFrame)
operator instead of Observable.of(0, animationFrame)
Observable.fromEvent(window, 'scroll')
.throttleTime(0, animationFrame)
RxJS 6
import { fromEvent, animationFrameScheduler } from "rxjs";
import { throttleTime } from "rxjs/operators";
fromEvent(window, "scroll")
.pipe(throttleTime(0, animationFrameScheduler))