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Passing an object to element attribute in Polymer 2

I am playing with Polymer 2.0, and I don't understand how to pass an object as an element attribute.

Here's my code:

<dom-module id="notes-app">
      :host {
        display: block;
  <button on-click="loadNotes">Get the notes</button>
  <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[notes]]" as="note">
     <note recipe='JSON.stringify(note)'></note>
  class NotesApp extends Polymer.Element {
    static get is() { return 'notes-app'; }
    static get properties() {
      return {
        notes: {
          type: Array,
          value: []
    loadNotes() {
      this.notes = [
        {"desc":"desc1", "author":"auth1", "type":"type1"},
        {"desc":"desc2", "author":"auth2", "type":"type2"},
        {"desc":"desc3", "author":"auth3", "type":"type3"}
  window.customElements.define(, NotesApp);

simple-note is the element who has a property of type Object:

<dom-module id="note">
      :host {
        display: block;
    class SimpleNote extends Polymer.Element {
      static get is() { return 'simple-note' }
      static get properties() {
        return {
          note: {
            type: Object,
            value:  {},
            notify: true
    customElements.define(, SimpleNote);

As you can see I want note-app to display all the objects in its notes property by passing an object representing a note to every simple-note elements (don't known if it is the right way to make elements interact each other). I want it to happen when I press the notes-app button. How can I pass an object to an element attribute in this case?


  • Since you're trying to pass the variable as an object, you should use property bindings instead of attribute bindings (which only supports strings).

    • Polymer data bindings require curly or square brackets ({{twoWayBinding}} or [[oneWayBinding]]). For example, to set the foo property of the <x-child> element to the value of note, the template would look something like this:

      <template is="dom-repeat" items="[[notes]]" as="note">
        <x-child foo="[[note]]">
    • Given that equals "simple-note", I assume your usage of <note> and <dom-module id="note"> were only typos in your question. They should be set to simple-note, as the element name must start with a lowercase ASCII letter and must contain a dash.

    • It looks like you're binding a recipe property, but <simple-note> declares a note property (and no recipe) and binds to note sub-properties in its template. I assume recipe is another typo.

    working demo