I've written an asynchronous JavaScript function though do not seem to be getting the returned value I expect. Could somebody explain if I'm misunderstanding how async functions work or if it's something not quite right my test?
Below is my test, with a service mocked using Nock.
it('Should call async validation function when button is clicked', () => {
const request = nock(/.*/)
const comp = mount(
<LoginCodeView />
expect(comp.instance().doesLoginCodeExist('abc123')).to.equal('Your Login code is not recognized.');
And the function under test:
doesLoginCodeExist = async (loginCode) => {
if (loginCode.match(loginPattern)) {
const response = await MyService.getUserByLoginCode(loginCode);
if (response.code) {
return {};
} else if (response.status === 404) {
return { error: 'Your login code is not recognized.', success: null };
return { error: 'Service is temporarily unavailable.', success: null };
return null;
I've logged out which route the code takes and it does appear to be going into the else if branch as expected, however I always get an empty object {} returned, not an object with error and success properties as expected?
An async
function always returns a Promise
object. I suspect this is what you are calling an empty object.
As a solution, you might try making your test function async
and using await
there too. Then you can test the value the promise resolves to.