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Is there something called Local Static Inner Class?

i was just experimenting with inner classes and came across this idea of having local yet static inner class... well i made an inner class inside a static method.. well it's just simple as that.. Here's the example i did

  class Outer {

    static void m() {
        class LocalStatic {

            void s() {
                System.out.println("static local inner class method");


class Demo {

    public static void main(String args[]) {


This doesn't give any compile error.

I know how to access the static method m. But i want to know if there's a way to access the local class LocalStatic from an outside class.. Well as to my understanding, we can't access something inside a method right? Hence i can't access either LocalStatic or any methods or attributes inside that local class from outside of the class Outer Just wanted to make sure..


  • I want to know if there's a way to access the local class LocalStatic from an outside class

    There isn't a way to do that. Local classes are, well, local, so the only way to access them is from the method in which the class is in scope*.

    You can access objects of a local class using non-local base class or an interface:

    interface SomeInterface {
        void s();
    class Outer {
        static SomeInterface m() {
            class LocalStatic implements SomeInterface {
                public void s() {
                    System.out.println("static local inner class method");
            return new LocalStatic();

    Now you can write

    SomeInterface i = Outer.m();


    * It goes without saying that there is also a way to access these classes through reflection, but that is outside capabilities of Java language itself.