I'm trying to add latitude and longitude to annotations on my map. My data is JSON type
"{\"lat\": 25.0437396, \"lng\": 121.5308224}"
I transform it into a dictionary first
["lat": 25.0437396, "lng": 121.5308224]
and use the value in dictionary to add
var coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D()
let latNum = shopCoordinate["lat"] as! NSNumber
let lngNum = shopCoordinate["lng"] as! NSNumber
let lat = latNum as? Double
let lng = lngNum as? Double
coordinate.latitude = lat!
coordinate.longitude = lng!
But the Double type value would become like this, and don't show on map
25.043739599999999, 121.53082240000001
I can't cast it to other type instead, since CLLocationDegrees accepts a double type. It drives my crazy. If someone could give me any advice, I would be really really appreciate it.
Why not simply convert it to a Double
if let latNum = shopCoordinate["lat"] as? Double, let lngNum = shopCoordinate["lng"] as? Double {
let coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: latNum, longitude: lngNum)