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How do I create a Body block for a custom Jenkins Pipeline Step in the Java code of my Jenkins plugin?


I am creating a Jenkins plugin that adds a custom pipeline step.

I have successfully got Java code to execute when my step (dostuff) is used in a pipeline script, such as


node {
  stage( 'doingstuff' ) {

However, I want my custom step to render some stages and parallel streams in the Jenkins WebUI visualization, so I want to be doing the equivalent of parallel([...]) and stage( ... ) { ... } and maybe even node { ... } blocks in my plugin. For example, if the following were my intended pipeline:


node {
  stage( 'one' ) {
      "stream one": {
        sh "echo hi from stream one"
      "stream two": {
        sh "echo hi from stream two"

I would like to reduce it to


node {

where dostuff() will do the equivalent of


stage( 'one' ) {
    "stream one": {
      sh "echo hi from stream one"
    "stream two": {
      sh "echo hi from stream two"

and, importantly, will render properly in the "Pipeline Steps" view of the Jenkins WebUI, and so that the parallel streams will render properly in the Blue Ocean web UI.

While I have seen how to execute the body block that is passed to a custom step defined in a plugin, from a pipeline script (for example), I cannot figure out the idiom for creating a body block in Java code.

I do not want to/cannot do this in pure Groovy because

  1. The "real" logic I want to write will depend on classes in several non-Jenkins JARs that aren't on the classpath by default, from several Maven repositories (and so cannot be imported (though they could maybe be @Grab'd))
  2. The "real" logic I want to write will use concurrency libraries, including Java's synchronized, and as far as I can tell pipeline scripts do not support this.
  3. The "real" logic I want to write would like to share state across all instances of the logic in the JVM, and as far as I can tell pipeline scripts cannot communicate with other running pipeline scripts.


  1. Is it/should it be possible to create a pipeline body block in Java, and have a custom pipeline step execute that block?
  2. Are there any plugins that do this that I could look at?


  • I spoke to Andrew Bayer - engineer working on pipeline for CloudBees - at Jenkins World 2017 and he confirmed that it's architecturally impossible to compose a pipeline step of other pipeline steps from pure Java in a Jenkins plug-in.