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Google fonts — partial rendering in Google Chrome

I use Google Open Sans font ( with cyrillic. And if I have stressed word ( ́ — accent symbol is missing in font-set), Google Chrome renders only the part after accent. But another browsers haven't same problem.

Rendering comparison: Comparative Google and Edge rendering I understand that every browser has own render-engine, but I very want to solve or avoid this trouble. What should I do?

.open-sans-font {
  font-family: "Open Sans";
<link href=",400i,700&amp;subset=cyrillic" rel="stylesheet">
<div class="open-sans-font">
	<p> філігра́нний — несамови́тий </p>
	<p> філігранний — несамовитий </p>


  • I simply added “text=...чшщьюя́” to my Google Web Fonts API request.

    <link href=",400i,700&text=АБВГҐДЕЄЖЗИІЇЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЬЮЯабвгґдеєжзиіїйклмнопрстуфхцчшщьюя́" rel="stylesheet">

    It turns out that the accent symbol belonged to latin-ext charset