I'm new to hyperHTML and am experimenting with it. Here's my question. How are event handlers added for repeated template elements. Here's my web component:
import css from './component.css';
import isJson from '../utils/isJson.js';
const hyper = hyperHTML;
class IdxAdminTab extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
attributeChangedCallback(name, oVal, nVal) {
if (name === 'tabs' && isJson(nVal)) {
this.tabs = JSON.parse(nVal);
this.tabs.forEach((tab) => {
tab.number = parseInt(tab.number, 10).toLocaleString();
clearSelections() {
this.tabs.forEach((tab) => {
tab.selected = false;
connectedCallback() {
currentlySelected() {
return this.tabs.find((tab) => tab.selected);
disconnectedCallback() {
tabSelected(evn) {
updateView() {
<div id="tab-container">
${this.tabs.map(tab => `
<div class="${tab.selected ? 'selected' : ''}" id="${tab.id}" onclick="${this.selectedTab}">
<div class="name">${tab.name}</div>
<div class="number">${tab.number}</div>
static get observedAttributes() {
return ['tabs'];
customElements.define('idx-admin-tab', IdxAdminTab);
export { IdxAdminTab };
I want to add a click handler in the repeated tab and register tabSelected as the handler. The click handler that I have added throws a Uncaught syntax error:
(function(event){[object HTMLElement]
Your map returns plain strings, and so your click handler does not point to a function, but to a string representation of your function.
${this.tabs.map(tab => `
<div class="${tab.selected ? 'selected' : ''}" id="${tab.id}" onclick="${this.selectedTab}">
<div class="name">${tab.name}</div>
<div class="number">${tab.number}</div>
instead. CodePen