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Autocomplete for import keyword is ommiting file extension

I am having a problem with WebStorm auto complete when using import keyword in JavaScript.
You can see an example here:

Basically when I auto complete following code:

import {loadLevel, loadSprite} from './loaders';  

It doesn't add a file extension to loaders, which should look like this:

import {loadLevel, loadSprite} from './loaders.js';  

I am using latest WebStorm version, I also tried to Invalidate cache and restarted IDE.
I am using JavaScript ES6 version in settings.
There are no other files called loaders with different extension anywhere else in my project.

If you need any more info, let me know.



  • WebStorm supports completing file name with extension (when using completion in the from part). To enable completing file name with extension, set registry key commonjs.complete.required.filename.with.extension to true :

    • Open Help | Find Action... dialog
    • Type Registry, find Registry item in dropdown list and press Enter
    • Find commonjs.complete.required.filename.with.extension there, tick the checkbox

    But this hidden option doesn't affect auto-imports, so, when auto-creating import statement from reference, extension won't be added - WEB-28741