I'm parsing the result of executing this composite command
ntpq -c peers | awk ' $0 ~ /^*/ {print $9}'
in order to obtain the offset of the active ntp server.
This is the java code used and executed periodically
public Double getClockOffset() {
Double localClockOffset = null;
try {
String[] cmd = {"/bin/sh",
"ntpq -c peers | awk \' $0 ~ /^\\*/ {print $9}\'"};
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
String line = buf.readLine();
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(line)) {
localClockOffset = Double.parseDouble(line.trim());
} else {
// Log "NTP -> Empty line - No active servers - Unsynchronized"
} catch (Exception e) {
// Log exception
return localClockOffset;
ntpq result example
> remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
> ==============================================================================
> *server001s1 .LOCL. 1 u 33 64 377 0.111 -0.017 0.011
> +server002s1 2 u 42 64 377 0.106 -0.006 0.027
> +server003s1 2 u 13 64 377 0.120 -0.009 0.016
Notice that awk searchs the first line beginnig with '*' and extracts its ninth column. In the example: -0.017
The problem is that sometimes I'm obtaining the no-active-servers log message - intended to appear when there is no server with '*'- while the execution of the command through the console returns a number.
I know that I'm not closing the BufferedReader
in that code but is that the reason of this behaviour? A new instance is being created (and left open until garbage collecting) in each method invocation but I think that it shouldn't be the cause of this problem.
simply invokes the ProcessBuilder inside it, like that:
public Process More ...exec(String[] cmdarray, String[] envp, File dir)
throws IOException {
return new ProcessBuilder(cmdarray)
So there is nothing wrong with using it instead of the ProcessBuilder
as is.
The problem is that you invoke:
before you obtained the InputStream
Which means that the process will be already terminated, by the time you obtain the InputStream
, and the output stream data might be or might not be available to you, depending on the OS buffering implementation nuances and precise timing of the operations.
So, if you move the waitFor()
to the bottom, your code should start working more reliably.
Under Linux however you should normally be able to read the remaining data from the PIPE buffer, even after the writing process has ended.
And the UNIXProcess implementation in OpenJDK, actually makes an explicit use of that, and tries to drain the remaining data, once the process has exited, so that file descriptor can be reclaimed:
/** Called by the process reaper thread when the process exits. */
synchronized void processExited() {
synchronized (closeLock) {
try {
InputStream in = this.in;
// this stream is closed if and only if: in == null
if (in != null) {
byte[] stragglers = drainInputStream(in);
this.in = (stragglers == null) ?
ProcessBuilder.NullInputStream.INSTANCE :
new ByteArrayInputStream(stragglers);
} catch (IOException ignored) {}
And this seems to work reliable enough, at least in my tests, so it would be nice to know which specific version of Linux|Unix and JRE your are running.
Have you also considered the possibility of an application-level problem ?
I.e. ntpq
is not really guaranteed to always return a *
So, it would be nice to remove the awk
part from your pipe, to see if there will be some output at all the times.
Another thing to note is that if one of your shell pipeline steps fails (e.g. the ntpq itself), you will also get an empty output, so you will have to track the STDERR as well (e.g. by merging it with STDOUT via the ProcessBuilder
Doing waitFor
before you start consuming the data, is a bad idea in any case, as if your external process will produce enough output to fill the pipe buffer, it will just hang waiting for someone to read it, which will never happen, as your Java process will be locked in waitFor
at the same time.