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Configuring an exception in web.xml security-constraint

I know there are already other posts similar to my doubt, but the problem is that I could not solve the problem. I have a servlet that must be mapped with the name "passport.jsp", because an external application (can not change the call) makes a request through a URL http://myipserver:portserver/nameApplication/passport.jsp?xxx My web.xml in this point is here:


The problem is that the mapping of my security-constraint overrides the definition of the servlet passport.jsp, because is mapping "*.jsp".


Does anyone know how to solve this? You can add the servlet "/passport.jsp" as an exception.

Thank you for your attention.


  • I solve just adding a new tag in my web.xml (other security-constraint)

            <web-resource-name>free pages</web-resource-name>

    Ann it's working. Thanks