I have a Eclipse E4 application with multiple connections to different servers. Now when opening a MPart the part will call the server to receive his data. Also when the MPart is closed the client send the close to the server so that the client knows that the client does not need to have the updated data.
Now I need to find a way to let the MParts know that the client is shutting down. So that they do not send any messages to the server. This will speedup the shutdown of the client.
How can I send the shutdown command to the Mpart when the user clicked the close button?
Use the event broker to send a message to the parts.
In the shutdown code send an event:
IEventBroker eventBroker;
eventBroker.send("my/topic/shutdown", data);
Where data
is any data you want to associate with the shudown event.
is just a unique id for the event.
Use the send
method to send the event synchronously, use post
to send asynchronously.
Each part can subscribe to the event with:
public void shutdown(@EventTopic("my/topic/shutdown") Event event)
is org.osgi.service.event.Event
You can also use @UIEventTopic
if you want the method to be guaranteed to run in the UI thread.
To handle a click on the application 'close' button you need to put an implementation of org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.modeling.IWindowCloseHandler
in to the Eclipse Context of the the main window. You can do this in your life cycle class (if you have one). The application startup complete event is suitable for this:
public void appStartupComplete(@UIEventTopic(UIEvents.UILifeCycle.APP_STARTUP_COMPLETE) Event event, MApplication app, EModelService modelService)
MWindow window = (MWindow)modelService.find("window id", app);
IEclipseContext windowContext = window.getContext();
windowContext.set(IWindowCloseHandler.class, ContextInjectionFactory.make(AppCloseHandler.class, windowContext));