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How to create a document with unequal page sizes in iText 7

How to create a document with unequal page sizes in iText 7?

Is it possible in iText7?

In iText5, I used document.setPageSize() and document.newPage().


  • If you're adding content through the high-level API (Document.add() and its ilk), and the desired page-size is directly tied to specific content, modifying the default page-size through PdfDocument.setDefaultPageSize is probably the cleanest and easiest way to go about it, like this:

    public void createPdf(String dest) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException{
        PdfWriter writer = new PdfWriter(dest);
        PdfDocument pdfDoc = new PdfDocument(writer);
        Document doc = new Document(pdfDoc);
        pdfDoc.setDefaultPageSize(PageSize.A5);//All pages will be added using this page size
        String paragraphOneText = "I have seen the face of sorrow\n" +
                "She looks away in the distance\n" +
                "Across all these bridges\n" +
                "From whence I came\n" +
                "And those spans, trussed and arched\n" +
                "Hold up our lives as we go back again\n" +
                "To how we thought then\n" +
                "To how we thought we thought then";
        String paragraphTwoText = "I have seen sorrow's face,\n" +
                "But she is ever turned away\n" +
                "And her words leave me blind\n" +
                "Her eyes make me mute\n" +
                "I do not understand what she says to me\n" +
                "I do not know if to obey\n" +
                "Or attempt a flood of tears";
        String paragraphThreeText  = "I have seen her face\n" +
                "She does not speak\n" +
                "She does not weep\n" +
                "She does not know me\n" +
                "For I am but a stone fitted in place\n" +
                "On the bridge where she walks";
        String attribution = "--Toc the Younger";
        Paragraph p = new Paragraph(paragraphOneText);
        //Current default pagesize is A5, so any new pages will be created as A5
        //Changing default pagesize will affect any new pages that are created
        //Adding an areabreak of type NEXT_PAGE will force the creation of a new page
        doc.add(new AreaBreak(AreaBreakType.NEXT_PAGE));
        p = new Paragraph(paragraphTwoText);
        doc.add(new AreaBreak(AreaBreakType.NEXT_PAGE));
        p = new Paragraph(paragraphThreeText);
        p= new Paragraph(attribution);