I'm running a search feature on three tables in my Phoenix app, and I want to join them using something like SQL's UNION operator.
I have three tables:
mix phx.gen.json Accounts User users handle:string email:string
mix phx.gen.json Content Post posts title:string content:string
mix phx.gen.json Content Category categories name:string
Let's assume there are no foreign keys or linking tables.
If I wanted to run a search across these in SQL, I would do something like this:
SELECT handle FROM users WHERE handle LIKE "%string%"
SELECT title FROM posts WHERE title LIKE "%string%"
SELECT name FROM categories WHERE name LIKE "%string%"
However, Ecto 2 doesn't seem to support unions. I want to do something like this:
query1 =
from u in User,
where: ilike(u.handle, ^"%#{str}%"),
select: u
query2 =
from p in Post,
where: ilike(p.title, ^"%#{str}%"),
select: p
query3 =
from c in Category,
where: ilike(c.name, ^"%#{str}%"),
select: c
union = Ecto.SomethingLikeAUnion([query1, query2, query3])
result = Repo.all(union)
What is the best way to do this?
Ecto doesn't support unions at the moment. Until Ecto adds support for unions, the best way would be to use raw SQL with Repo.query/2
SELECT handle FROM users WHERE handle LIKE $1
SELECT title FROM posts WHERE title LIKE $1
SELECT name FROM categories WHERE name LIKE $1
""", ["%#{str}%"])