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Can any .livequery() code be written with an equivalent .delegate() code in jQuery?

I was reading and I learned that any .delegate() code can be written with an equivalent .on() code. The link provides this example:

For example, the following .delegate() code:

$( "table" ).delegate( "td", "click", function() {
    $( this ).toggleClass( "chosen" );

is equivalent to the following code written using .on():

$( "table" ).on( "click", "td", function() {
    $( this ).toggleClass( "chosen" );

I am using a legacy system with jQuery 1.3.1. It uses .livequery() extensively. I want to get rid of this Live Query plugin, but still continue to use jQuery 1.3.1 for a while. Please do not give me an answer recommending that I simply upgrade to the latest version of jQuery or use .on() instead, since .on() is not available in jQuery 1.3.1. For now, I must continue using jQuery 1.3.1, but replace all appearances of .livequery() with an equivalent using .delegate(). Is that possible? I am wondering if there are things that you do with .livequery(), that cannot be done with a .delegate() equivalent. Thank you.


  • I kept Live Query because my main objective was upgrading jQuery, not getting rid of Live Query.