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Escape shell string in Node.js

I am trying to run a shell command from my Node.js script:

var child = exec('mysqldump -u "'+dbConfig.user+'" --password="' + dbConfig.password + '" --single-transaction ' + dbConfig.database + ' > ' + dumpFilePath)

Now this is all well and fine however the password can contain special characters that would break the command.

I have been looking into this Node module:

However one of its issues is that it can't parse = sign, which makes the package useless to the above statement.

So my question is how can I safely escape the password field?


  • You can escape the password safely with single quotes:

    var child = exec('mysqldump -u ' + dbConfig.user + ' --password=\'' + dbConfig.password + '\' --single-transaction ' + dbConfig.database + ' > ' + dumpFilePath)