I have just started a computer science degree at university, and I am stuck on a task. I am obviously very new to programming so please don't judge, i'm trying to learn the basics, and this exercise is very basic yet i cannot quite solve it. I have done many iterations to this code, and when i compile and run it on BlueJ it outputs what is expected, however when i submit it to charon, it responds telling me that the code is wrong.
here is my code;
class Main extends BIO
public static void main( String args[] )
System.out.print( "#Enter Student mark: ");
int cw = BIO.getInt();
System.out.print( "#Enter Student mark: ");
int examMark = BIO.getInt();
System.out.print( ("ex = 71 cw = 40 mark = ") );
System.out.println( (double) (cw+examMark) / 2);
I have attached a screenshot of the exercise below as well for context.
any help is appreciated thank you.
You need to put in the variables into the print
statement, and not a hardcoded value.
System.out.print("ex = " + examMark + " cw = " + cw + " mark = ");
System.out.println((double) (cw + examMark) / 2);