I want to put a different color when my menu item has been selected.
My menu is :
For that, the code is :
* Create a Vertical Menu with the Home page and Actions page
public MenuBar createMenu() {
MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar();
menuBar.addItem(StringConstants.MENU_HOMEPAGE_LABEL, VaadinIcons.HOME, createCommandHomepage());
menuBar.addItem(StringConstants.MENU_ACTIONS_LABEL, VaadinIcons.TABLE, createCommandActions());
menuBar.addItem(StringConstants.MENU_LOG_OUT_LABEL, VaadinIcons.SIGN_OUT, createCommandLogOut());
return menuBar;
* Create the command when the Home page has been selected in the menu
private Command createCommandHomepage() {
return new Command() {
public void menuSelected(final MenuBar.MenuItem selectedItem) {
* Same for the Action and Log out - it's not important to show the code here
So I tried to put the current selection in bold (I tried to change the background too).
So My scss code was :
font-weight: bold;
.caption {
font-weight: bold;
And this is not working at all. However :
font-weight: bold;
is working, but it will put all captions in bold, not just the current selection.
I don't know what I did wrong.
EDIT: I compile the vaadin theme :
However, I run a maven clean package to be sure that I build the theme.
EDIT 2 : Vaadin version from pom.xml :
This solution is working. But, I think it's not the better one. So, please, provide a better answer.
I use the session to save the menu level :
String menuTabSelected =(String)VaadinSession.getCurrent().getAttribute("menuState");
MenuBar barmenu = new MenuBar();
String homepageStyle = menuTabSelected == null || menuTabSelected.equals(StringConstants.MENU_HOMEPAGE_LABEL) ? "highlight" : null;
barmenu.addItem(StringConstants.MENU_HOMEPAGE_LABEL, VaadinIcons.HOME, createCommandHomepage()).setStyleName(homepageStyle);
private Command createCommandHomepage() {
return new Command() {
public void menuSelected(final MenuItem selectedItem) {
VaadinSession.getCurrent().setAttribute("menuState", selectedItem.getText());
In mytheme.scss :
.mybarmenu .v-menubar-menuitem-highlight {
background: #dedede;
font-weight: bold;