It's possible to simple group by n hours? I found related questions for minutes but I cant do it with hours.
I need to group some data by 8 hours with offset.
So the first 8 hours are not 00:00 - 08:00 but 22:00 (yesterday) - 06:00 (today).
I grouped this by hour and stuck. How can I do that? Any advice is appreciated.
You can use the DATEADD/DATEDIFF trick to group by 8 hour intervals.
You need to add an offset though, in this case
Example script
DECLARE @foo table (foo smalldatetime, bar int);
INSERT @foo (foo, bar)
('2017-10-11 21:00', 1),
('2017-10-11 22:00', 2),
('2017-10-11 23:00', 3),
('2017-10-12 01:00', 4),
('2017-10-12 03:00', 5),
('2017-10-12 05:00', 6),
('2017-10-12 07:00', 7),
('2017-10-12 08:00', 8);
DATEADD(hh, ((DATEDIFF(hh, 0, foo)+2)/8*8)-2, 0)
DATEADD(hh, ((DATEDIFF(hh, 0, foo)+2)/8*8)-2, 0);