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Find subdomain using domain instances in Grails

In grails, how do I find subdomain using domain instances

Let say I have

class Family {
    Integer id
    Parent parent

class Parent {
    Interger id
    static hasMany = [children: Child]

class Child {
    String name

So in controller,

Parent mom = Family.findById(1).parent

so now, how do I use mom to get a child with name == "Child" in parent?
Is it even possible?


  • I think this should work.

    Child child = mom.children.find { == 'child' }

    But I do not recommend using this kind of queries. Grails has many ways for querying you can read about it here I also recommend to you this guide its about dynamic finders in contrast to queries that use groovy collection methods for querying.

    I hope its help full